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 News Archive 2015

Mitt Romney says his Final Four bracket
was due mostly to lady luck
by Nathan'ette Burdine: April 13, 2015

Mitt Romney says his Final Four bracket was due mostly to lady luck. During an appearance on Fox News “Fox News Sunday,” Romney told host Chris Wallace that he had lady luck on his side when he was filling out his bracket that turned out to be 99.9% correct.

“Well, you know I looked at the capability of the team. I looked at also what I thought the attitude of the team would be overconfident vs you know challenging underdog. And I looked at the experience of the coach. And all that together accounted for 10% of my success and 90% was luck,” said Romney.

Romney doesn’t want to admit it but his time as the CEO of Bain Capital and choosing the right companies to invest in came in handy this time.

He placed on his bracket all of the teams that appeared in the Final Four, and he chose the right team (Duke) to win it all.

But despite his success, Romney stressed that his days of filling out brackets are over. “So, I’m not going to fill out another bracket. This was the high point. I’m retiring after some success,” said Romney.

Wallace asked Romney if he had any help filling out his brackets. Romney answered no and reiterated that his success was mainly due to lady luck.

“I got no help whatsoever. I got the bracket , filled it out in relatively short amount of time and then crossed my fingers,” Romney told Wallace.

Romney promised to give Chris Wallace some help next year on his bracket, but warned that it won’t be “any better than” his “prior brackets.”

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